Friday, May 11, 2012


突然有种很大的冲动,就是拼命找现代小说来读,不管是爱情友情还是亲情,只要是简简单单,普普通通些也无所谓。都已经二十出头,才来做人家十年前已开始的事情,十年前的思 想为何如此的荒废呢?

单单白纸黑字的魅力,远远胜过华丽的连续剧和压缩的电影,或许平淡的故事没太大的商业 化和娱乐性质。每次读完之后,总觉得这些看似超平凡的故事,却一点也不平凡。人与人之 间,擦出的火花竟如此美妙。

一些是真人真事,另一些故事是作者绞尽脑子编写的,两者有着各自的韵味。真人真事当然 精彩,因为曾经发生在他人生上,若身在其中,更是会有同感。虽然编出来的少了真实感, 但肯定少不了启发性。编故事之前,灵感大多数来自现实生活中,不多不少的在这些文字里 ,曾是作者或其他人的部分经验。

小说的精髓部分只会在故事发展中,过后的故事,也就是要结尾时,就会倾向一般读者想要 看到的结局,所以不会有太大的意外。当然,会有意外的完结会更好。 



Wednesday, January 11, 2012


exactly 365 days before this post
the day i fallen
today an 180 degree turn
i pull myself back
and moving forward again
a long long period back there
a steep steep way ahead . . .

introduction to japanese passed
structural analysis 1 a-

well, since only one subject counted ~
gpa 3.67


Wednesday, December 28, 2011


2 months apart  . . .
this is my 80th post
yes recently kinda lazy to update my blog
don't have the right mood to do it too
currently in holiday
after finishing short semester
the only thing stress about this semester would be repeating a failed subject
but now
i'm confidently cool about it and i aim to score high
the moment when finishing the last question of the final exam with 5 minutes spare
the calmness when doing the whole paper
the relief of knowing i did all of the questions
just so damn satisfied
although right after i knew some mistakes i made
but still i aim high
damn i will pass this paper as high as possible

another good news would be my course structure has changed
i suppose to do industrial training next may
instead i'll be doing next october
short semester of year 3 and 4 have filled in with subjects
the downside of this is we don't have any 3 months holiday
thanks to this i think i'm able to graduate the same period with my original coursemate
which i already having 3 subjects behind them . . .

i never regret taking civil engineering
i just never thought that it could be this hard
not anyone can cope
while myself just barely hanging right there

Friday, October 14, 2011


another semester finished
another exam done
and result out as usual
this time i check as fast as i could
it release on 2.05pm
i saw it on 2.50pm
usually i'd wait till late evening or at night only i check
probably i have high confidence in this sem's result

numerical methods and statistics a-
thermodynamics b-
cad & c++ c
fluid mechanics 2 b-
hydrology b
basics econs, acc and management b

i was aiming for an A for the numerical
a second A
but never mind, this is good enough too
gpa 2.9127
my highest so far

Sunday, August 21, 2011






Saturday, July 16, 2011

中国 | 2011






到达西安后,直接就参观兵马俑了。总共有三个被挖掘的地方,全都盖起屋顶,里头安了空调,保护至上。听了导游的历史解说,兵马俑对我而言,只是因为权威而建起的, 劳命伤财只为了自己。千年前的怨恨,却为现代西安带来很多工作机会,人们也从中受益。兵马俑挖掘已三十年,还没完成呢,还有很多埋藏着的都不会去碰了,政府决定全力保护。





Sunday, May 29, 2011


yes, finally i obtained my first A . . . 4.00
only one subject . . . maths 2 . . . succeed
but all of us knew that the final paper, the midterm are all below standard difficulties
not too happy about it
dynamics passed with c
soil mechanics with a c+ . . . zzz
my english for engineering b
and pengajian malaysia passed . . .

deep breath . . .
gpa 2.83
cgpa two point five seven

tomorrow will be the starting of year 2
long way ahead . . .


Sunday, May 15, 2011

year one ended

and so . . . i 've been a full year in utar . . .i finished the first year and three more to go . . . year one third semester can be considered as the busiest among the whole year, from week 3 onwards till week 13 non-stop, rest a week and then face exam for 3 weeks, finally done but semester break only last for 2 weeks . . . i take 5 subjects with all have final, luckily all have room to breathe, meaning those exam days do not cramp together, still there's one subject that i have a feeling it will be gone, all others shouldn't have problems . . . infact i have high hopes that maths can get an A, my first one though if i really got one . . . the one that's gonna fail will be dynamics . . . its so hard and many are complaining, even the pro's doubt whether they can get A . . . so the weaklings like me obviously doomed . . . i register for muet for this semester as well, the exam is quite ok except for the speaking . . . i made a mistake, a very basic mistake, do not read the questions and instructions completely . . . oops . . . i wanna get band 4 . . . and put some faith in band 5 also . . . although very much impossible . . .

all exams finished, i should be enjoying from this moment on, but i don't feel relax at all, may be because i stressed for too long, or i might be not celebrating enough . . . or this is the side effect of growing old? grew old but still studying . . . study yet by hanging on a thread, anytime could fail, that's how i felt . . . all the time thinking to switch course . . . i don't regret in taking civil engineering, i learned a lot, but holding it till the end is a different story. so, marketing? quantity survey? or automotive? zzz

if you ever wanna venture into engineering world . . . think twice seriously . . . which university is not a main problem

i watch a movie, have a good lunch, a little shopping and that's all the entertainment, if i play dota, will i be able to release my stress? anyhow, i dont like dota . . . cod or l4d2 is much better . . . so what kind of entertainment will release stress? now i hope to go a trip, be it one day or a few days . . . wanna have a different experience . . . there's one study tour by utar, 3.4k exclude meal to tunghai university, taiwan for 14 days . . . expensive opportunity . . . ptptn can sponsor me somehow hehe . . . should i go?? hmmm

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Final Fantasy XIII Soundtrack | Serah's Theme

make my wish come true
let darkness fade to light

show me there's still hope

show me it's not over

battles we can win

our struggle lies within

will we live to greet the dawn

love will not leave you

hate will not heal you

promise me one day that peace shall reign

Saturday, March 26, 2011

where's . . .

actually i don't really have mood for blogging
since already more than one month
i shall crap out something . . .
something that never right

i'm currently doing week 10
since week 2 every week has been a busy one
one after another although i am taking 5 subjects
and of course i'm not done busying

recently i seem to have found out
that i really aging
my face in the mirror
my body much more fragile than before
easily twisted =="
white hair grew more than before

i'm not fully 21
and not expecting people to take me as 20 also
means i'm really getting old
my parents also
every of my friend as well

life irreversible
memory irreplaceable
people not too friendly to you anymore
the world doesn't care how you feel also
earthquakes everywhere
wars everywhere
hatred all around
where's love?
where's mine?
where's yours?

independent is the sole answer to all this
which indirectly goes for selfishness
everyone protecting themselves will hurt others
my brain has been thinking, twisting, moving, storming, non-stop . . .
to find answers
for everything
silent is the side effect
why is it so hard to do it even though a simple stuff
some things always blocked the path
but there's no turning back
time never stops for us as usual
i'm seriously missing a thing

my world is getting smaller and smaller